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  • Writer's pictureEllen McGrath

Let's Talk About: Weight

Let me be clear about one thing: Everyone is allowed to want to improve their overall physical health while still loving their (plus size) body. These two concepts are not mutually exclusive. When I say that I would like to be a healthier person, I am not saying that I want my body to look different.

I am allowed to want to eat healthier foods and still be proud to be a size 14. I am allowed to exercise my body to improve mental and physical health and still think I look great in a bathing suit. I am allowed to call myself fat without the intention of insulting my body. Because it is just a word, and it does not hurt me. I am allowed to want better health for myself and still love the way my body ALREADY looks.

I am fully aware that people are scared to look like me. That people work really hard to NOT look like me. And that’s okay. Everyone is allowed to dictate how they want their bodies to look, just like I am. Everyone is allowed to nourish their bodies with healthy food and exercise and feel great doing it. Do you know why? Because their bodies belong to them, and they should be proud of that.

I believe we are all guilty of the "ugly" thoughts that come forward when we see a body that we perceive as being less than valuable. We have been socialized to think this way. Perhaps, though, instead of these thoughts, we should consider that this person loves their body. Perhaps instead of these thoughts we should simply remember that it is none of our fucking business what this person looks like.

So, the next time you are at the gym (or out for a run- thanks, Covid), and you see someone exercising their plus size body, don't pity them. They are strong, and they love themselves enough to be there.

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